What are burglars looking for?

Christian Edgington

3 min read

Our advice is to think about your security, to do all you can to reduce your risk of being targeted by one of the following burglars:

Opportunist burglars

These are the burglars who take a chance. They are likely to be wanting things to get their hands on to sell on quickly, without too much hassle.
Traditionally, they have been drug addicts or career criminals, looking for an easy bit of money, but in recent times, when financial burden and pressure is high, it is more and more, desperate people who just need money and fast.

  • Unlocked doors
  • Open windows
  • Dark areas they can break into and not be seen

Organised Criminals

These are much more sophisticated in their approach. They will usually be part of an organised crime group, targeting high net worth homes looking for substantial items such as cars, jewellery, handbags, art or tech items.
They will have undertaken surveillance to watch your movements and know when to break in.
They can also be armed too, to make sure that if anyone does disturb them, they can use fear to allow them to finish the job.

These kinds of burglars will be looking for:

  • Cars on the drive
  • Signs of wealth – clothes, jewellery
  • Social media information – what you post can indicate what’s inside your home that’s worth breaking in for

Keeping your home safe should be your priority, to avoid the awful feeling of being burgled.
Here is our advice:

  • Be careful on social media (see our blog on this)
  • If you are going away, ensure your home still looks busy – invite neighbours to use your driveway
  • Ask someone to pop into your house at random times
  • Don’t close your curtains for two weeks – it’s a real give away!
  • Don’t turn all your lights off when you are away – use technology to have them coming on and off at random times. Set timers are obvious to burglars as they will see lights going on and off at the same times every day.
  • Clear your post box – letters piling up is a good sign that no one is in.
  • Lighting – security lighting that’s activated by movement is a good deterrent
  • Security cameras also put people off targeting your home

Look at your home through the eyes of a burglar.

Where are the weak points?
How could they get in?
Is your home easier to target than your neighbours’?
What can you improve on?
How can you prevent them choosing your home and getting in?

For any help with assessing your security or implementing security measures, contact us.